The Shed Crew - Red Ladder Theatre Company

Red Ladder Theatre Company

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The Shed Crew

21 September 2017 - 1 October 2017

Red Ladder Theatre Company supported by West Yorkshire Playhouse presents


A stage play in verse by Kevin Fegan; adapted from the book URBAN GRIMSHAW AND THE SHED CREW by Bernard Hare

Hark back to the techno thumping, joy riding, glue-sniffing, dragon-chasing 90’s. Pounding beats, dirty streets, swirling haze and squalor – piss stained velour. Ashtrayland.

You weren’t in a gang, you were in a crew, and life was a drug-fuelled helter skelter.

It’s 20 years later, and tonight, fasten your seat belts. Best to travel light. Keep your eyes open and watch your back. But no worries, with this crew you’re one of us, you’re family, we’ll show you what ‘survival’ really means.

We are delighted that Leeds Central Library will be hosting a conversation with Rod Dixon (Artistic Director of Red Ladder Theatre Company) and Kevin Fegan (writer of the stage production THE SHED CREW) plus special guests.

“outstanding” – North West End, Five stars

“it swings between highs and lows, leaving you wanting but somehow still managing to energise and uplift, exuding youthful energy and a cheeky rebellion.” – – Ilkley Gazette

“The visceral energy and authentic language of the Crew, together with the unique staging, creates an unforgettable ninety minutes of theatre.” Culture Vulture

“Striking and Powerful” – The Stage

“a production and performances full of energy, imagination and potential for danger.” – The Reviews Hub – four stars


THE SHED CREW is nearly sold out! Due to popular demand we have added a Sunday matinee, 1st October – 4pm. More details and to book tickets via West Yorkshire Playhouse here.


