Sanctuary Workshops for Secondary Schools
Kindly supported by the Mayor of West Yorkshire’s Safer Communities Fund, we are excited to invite pupils in years 9 & 10 to free two-hour in-school workshops, inspired by our new production Sanctuary.
Delivered by director Cheryl Martin & writer/composer Boff Whalley (both DBS checked)
Single classes – 30 maximum with Teacher in attendance
- Introduce students to the themes of the play
- Increase awareness of different types of migration to the UK and how these impact individual’s lives
- explore media narratives around immigration
- encourage schools to attend a performance in september – november
- Explore beliefs around legal/illegal migration and where they come from
- myth busting
- Consideration of the hostile environment/political weaponisation of migration
- explore and teach a song from the play with the show’s composer
- create soundscapes
- use writing based on the senses to create lyrics
- Use drama exercises to explore a theme from the play and the different viewpoints of the characters involved to safely explore the students’ views on migration through use of character and story
- combine scene with song and soundscspes, demonstrating the power of layering elements of drama
For more info, please email: cheryl@redladder.co.uk