Sanctuary Workshops for Secondary Schools - Red Ladder Theatre Company

Red Ladder Theatre Company


Sanctuary Workshops for Secondary Schools

Kindly supported by the Mayor of West Yorkshire’s Safer Communities Fund, we are excited to invite pupils in years 9 & 10 to free two-hour in-school workshops, inspired by our new production Sanctuary

Delivered by director Cheryl Martin & writer/composer Boff Whalley (both DBS checked)

Single classes – 30 maximum with Teacher in attendance


  • Introduce students to the themes of the play
  • Increase awareness of different types of migration to the UK and how these impact individual’s lives
  • explore media narratives around immigration
  • encourage schools to attend a performance in september – november


  • Explore beliefs around legal/illegal migration and where they come from
  • myth busting
  • Consideration of the hostile environment/political weaponisation of migration
  • explore and teach a song from the play with the show’s composer
  • create soundscapes
  • use writing based on the senses to create lyrics
  • Use drama exercises to explore a theme from the play and the different viewpoints of the characters involved to safely explore the students’ views on migration through use of character and story
  • combine scene with song and soundscspes, demonstrating the power of layering elements of drama

For more info, please email:


Wakefield Theatre Royal logo.    CAPA College logo with a star Tracy Brabin Mayor of West Yorkshire: Mayor's Safer Communities Fun